What’s the hardest part of rearing a child? Simple, to channelize a child’s tremendous energy into something productive. That could be anything like learning a new art form, gardening, or even serving in an old-age form. Besides, if you are scratching hard to get your child involved in some kind of craft, try the latest one on the block. I am talking about the super-fun, after school clothespin crafts for kids. They are easy to create, involve a room full of innovation, and of course, helps the child to channelize the energy effectively. It’s like you don’t need to worry about your kids for hours. Wasn’t that relaxing?
Well, if the answer was yes, then here we have the list you were looking for. Put on the creative cap, grab on the things, and enjoy a playful time with your kid by creating the various clothespin crafts.
Can’t wait for more, right? Here, we go then.
Cute Clothespin Crafts For Kids
Puppet Clothespin
Kids have a fascination for puppets. To make that long and enduring, try the cute, quirky, and colorful puppet clothespins with your kids. Creativity shoots in while you open and close the puppet’s mouth by pinching on the clothespin. Of course, let vibrancy have its ways with all the bright colors, and using the pompoms for the puppets’ hair. Have a proper measurement of tying the yarn thrice before making the final move. Also, for adding more fun make the puppets two-sided, however, for this, you need one side to dry well before you start with the second. You can also hold a brilliant conversation with the puppets while the show is on.
Superhero Clothespin
Give your child the ability to make his/her superhero. First, let them color the clothespin, and draw the eyes, nose, and ears in tiny bits. Don’t forget to write the letter ‘S’ in bold. Make the cape by cutting out the colored cardboards in a trapezoid shape, and get the capes glued to each clothespin. More than anything else these superhero clothespins serve as great props if there is s superhero themed party.
Bee shaped Clothespin
This is one of the cutest clothespin crafts for kids that requires few essentials like wooden clothespegs, proper pipe cleaners, and some craft foam that’s wing-shaped. Let’s start by integrating the craft foam with the wooden clothespegs. Then the pipe cleaners need to be placed in circles around the wooden clothespegs. Want to make it goofy? Add the cutely drawn Google eyes. To initiate a final touch, also add a small pipe cleaner that goes around the neck, and right up at the back of the head that makes the antennae.
Dragon/Unicorn Clothespin
Unicorns have a separate fanbase for their one-horned feature and starry eyes. So, for this, you need to print the heads into two parts. First, the lower jaw gets glued on the lower part of the clothespin. Then, for the rest of the head, there’s the upper part that also overlaps the jaw a little. Just make sure that the glue you are planning to use is of superior quality. The only bit left is the color. Color it well, make them look cute, and get your child drooling over the clothespin.
Shark Clothespin
If your kids love the blue and white sharks, then grab a shark pattern, a pair of scissors, and of course craft papers. Cut the papers, do the needful, and then start doing the fish from orange craft papers. Attach the toothpick to the fish, and then use it as a fin to get it attached to the blue body. While done with the entire thing, use a black marker to draw the gills, and of course the googly eyes. Just make sure to bend the white part of the shark a bit, so while opening and closing the shark’s mouth.
Penguin Clothespin
Here, we again name an easy one from the list of clothespin crafts for kids. So, what do we need for this? Let’s start with Clothespin, some black and white paint, orange sharpie, and a Pipe cleaner. Start the process by painting the clothespin black around the edges, and white on the front. Once the entire thing is well dried, take a black sharpie to draw the penguin’s eyes, and an orange one to draw the beak/feet. Want more? Carve out a small piece of sparkly pipe cleaner, to tie it around the penguin’s neck. That would make it look like a scarf.
Little Mermaid Clothespin
You need to do the mermaids well. For this, take the wooden clothespin, and cut out a half circle for the mermaid’s tail/fins, and pinch it well in between the clothespins’ opening. Now get hold of your paint, and pens to draw the face, hair and of course, some of the iconic mermaid features. Besides, at this point, the children might also add more features like scrapbook stickers, shiny glitter, or rhinestones, to make it proper, and to call it their own. Of course, don’t forget to flaunt it well after everything is done.
Snake Clothespin
They look creepy, but are cute, and ensure immense fun while doing the hack. So, to start take the wooden clothespin, and start marking the entire body with marks. Also, place springs all over the clothespin to ensure that the folds are done well. Besides, also place a pair of googly eyes on the front to make the work prominent. Place a red craft paper shaped like a tongue, so when you pinch to open the clip, the tongue comes out. That was real, what say? Good luck with your snake.
Minion Clothespin
Honestly, we can’t get enough of the minion madness, let alone the kids. So, this Christmas let’s make it more special and fun with the minion clothespin that is super easy to create. Start the clothespin crafts for kids by painting the wooden clothespins in yellow and blue, Of course, for better use do it twice while using water-based paint. Give your craft loads of time to dry before shifting to the next step. Then get the googly eyes glued to the clothespins, and let the glue dry. Complete the task by adding a smile and hair to your minions.
Fish-Shaped Clothespin
This is perhaps the cutest of all, and also an easy one to create. Take a page from the scrapbook, and start printing the patterns. Then carefully cut out the patterns, carefully from the scrapbook. Of course, make sure that the fishes are cut in half, horizontally, from the head to the nose. Then place the clothespin on the sides. First, glue the first half of the fish to the upper half of the clothespin. Then glue the bottom two halves of the fish and clothespin. In the end, place the googly eyes to complete the work.
Clothespin Caterpillars
For creating this hack, you need exactly the minutes, and a little bit of patience. Start by placing a line of glue from the top of the clothespin, which would run down till the end, and then let your kids stick on the pompoms all over the clothespin. Then, what else? Stick the googly eyes and a magnet to the back. Yes, you are all set and done with an instant magnetic caterpillar clothespin. Of course, they would need a few hours to dry. All set for the hack then?
Dragonfly Clothespin
The dragonfly clothespins become shiny when done right, and is the reason why this hack gained prominence from the list of clothespin crafts for kids. Let the kids start by painting stripes on the clothespins. Then place glue dots on the front, and stick them on the googly eyes. Then, take a pipe cleaner and bend both its edges to the middle, and twist. Once you achieved the two, criss-cross them, and place them well inside the clothespin. You the option to secure them with hot glue, but otherwise they are fine.
Zombie Clothespin
I was waiting for this DIY hack. This one’s a spooky but cute zombie that the kids would love to create. Start by printing out the zombie, and then cut out the head and the brains. Add glue on the clothespin, and get the zombie glued. Add the upper part of the zombie’s head, and try to place it to the left as much as possible. Then, flip the clothespin and again add some glue. Put extra glue on the brains, and let go of the excess paper. That was cool, what say?
Butterfly Clothespin
You can also name these as the cupcake liners clothespin. Start by opening the folds minimum of two cupcake liners, and then again fold them in halves. Then with the folds, glue them together to make it look like a bow tie. Then clip the clothespin over the folded cupcake liners, and don’t forget to add a strip of glue on top. Top it up by sprinkling on some pretty, shiny glitter, and you can also add some string for the antennas if you wish to.
Wrap Dolls Clothespin
Girls, you would love this DIY hack from the list of clothespin crafts for kids. Take some wooden clothespin and think of the designs you want to place. Take the embroidery threads, and start creating the designs of the outfits you desire. Think of placing the stripes as they add a certain kind of excitement to these wooden doll’s wardrobes. The hot glue works wonders while you are thinking of placing strands of hair.
Ballerina Clothespin
Imagine, the cute little ballerinas dancing across the tables. To create such a scene, get hold of the flat clothespins, and paint them well. Now, that includes creating the eyes, noses, hair, lips, and of course, a pretty pop-up. Let the paint dry, and then similar to how you created the capes, cut out the shapes to form the tutus. Yes, you are all set, but for enhancement, also place the artificial jewels, the feathers, and the glitter glues and complete the look.
Angel Clothespin
Time to create the guardian angle for your child. First, paint the hair of the wooden doll head, and let it dry. Then color the bottom of the clothespin black to create the feet. Now, make the body by wrapping the clothespin with white yarn, and also tie a knot in the back, and glue a short piece around to make a tutu. Finally, draw the eyes and mouth, and push the head onto the closed end of the clothespin. Bend the straight end of the pipe cleaner a bit down, and get it glued to the back of the head like a halo.
Alligator Clothespin
Yes, they look cute, with googly eyes, the chenille stems placed as legs, and the strips of green streamers cut and shaped well as the body of the alligator. Just start placing the things well, and you are all good to go for this name on the list of clothespin crafts for kids.
Cute bird Clothespin
They appear cute and are easy to create. Start by painting the wooden clothespin, and don’t forget to glue small black buttons as the googly eyes and the nose. Of course, the orange chart papers shaped well, and cut nicely would also appear as good as the birds.
Bunny Clothespin
For this, just paint the clothespin white, and draw the eyes, whiskers, nose, in black paints, and the ears in pink. Let the entire thing dry well, and then flaunt with ease.
- Homemade DIY Keychain Ideas For Kids
- Cute Halloween Craft Ideas For Kids
- Easy Holiday Crafts For Kids
- Pretty Suncatcher Craft Ideas For Kids
Finally, we are done with the list of clothespin crafts for kids. So, how did your kids enjoy the entire fun workstation? Did they pick their favorite ones? Rather, did you pick yours? Get on the plunge and start from the week that follows. On a different note, children like to be in the company while they are engaged to do something. Thus, DIY craft ideas are possibly the best ways to get the best out of the kids. Besides, they also come up with their ideas while in the process of innovation, and creation. All geared for the session then?
Q: What are some easy clothespin crafts for kids to make?
A: There are many easy to make clothespin crafts for kids, such as clothespin puppets, clothespin dragonflies, and colorful clothespin magnets. These craft ideas are simple and fun for kids of all ages.
Q: What materials do I need for clothespin crafts?
A: The basic craft supplies needed for clothespin crafts include wooden clothespins, paint, glue, scissors, and decorative items like tissue paper or googly eyes. These materials make for an easy and fun craft project.
Q: Are there any fun clothespin craft ideas for older kids?
A: Yes, older kids can enjoy making more complex crafts like clothespin trivets or clothespin airplanes. These projects allow them to explore their creativity while still being easy to follow with simple steps.
Q: What are clothespin magnets and how can kids make them?
A: Clothespin magnets are a fun craft that kids can make by decorating mini clothespins with paint or stickers and then attaching magnets to the back. These easy crafts are perfect for kids to make and use on their refrigerators.
Q: Are there any special techniques to paint clothespins for crafts?
A: When painting clothespins for crafts, it’s best to use acrylic paint for vibrant colors. Kids can use sponges or brushes to apply the paint, and they can even layer colors for an amazing clothespin craft effect.