Whenever we think about anime, the first thing that comes to our mind is why anime characters are so popular. One of the main reasons behind this popularity is the uniqueness possessed by all these anime characters. Unfamiliar hair colors are an essential factor that makes an anime character stand out from other cartoon characters. But in the world of anime, anime characters with white hair are also a rare commodity. If you are looking for male and female anime characters with white-colored hair, you are in the right place. We have made a list of both male and female characters having this particular trait.
In this list, some of the characters’ hair turns white due to their age, while on the other hand, some characters make their hair white due to some reason. So without any further delay, let’s take a look at some of the widely popular anime characters from across the globe.Â
Popular Anime Characters With White Hair
Seitenshi works as the governor of Tokyo, Japan. She gives orders to the Civil Security Corporation. This young, beautiful lady can keep her cool in almost every situation. She has a golden heart, and slowly, she develops feelings for Rentarou. Her skin color is pale, and she has thin white colored eyebrows and eyelashes. She has messy white-colored hair up to her neck. Whenever she appears, she is seen wearing a fancy white dress. The dress has an opening near the thigh, and that reveals some portions of her legs. Usually, she covers her head with a gorgeous-looking white hat.Â
Licht is an extraterrestrial being who ruled the Elf Tribe. He married a human named Tetia, who is the sister of Lemiel Sivamillion Clover. He has only one goal in his life: to maintain the peace between humans and elves. Licht is a tall creature with a slender physique. He has golden-colored irises and keeps his golden hair tied in a braid. The artificial body of Licht has two tattoos, one of them is a diamond on his temple, and the other one is vertical lines under the eyes on both cheeks.Â
Mirajane Strauss
Mirajane works as an S-Class Mage in the Fairy Tail Guild. Sorcerer Magazine also published her image often as a model. She has two sisters named Elfman and Lisanna. She has average height but possesses a slim physique. Her long white hair, which has two bangs in front, makes her look cute. She maintains her hair tied in a short ponytail. She is known for her beautiful, curvy body and the attire that she mostly wears is an ankle-length maroon-colored sleeveless dress.Â
Najenda is the leader of the group Night Raid, which performs assassination. Previously she has worked as the General of The Empire to defeat the revolutionary Ban Tribe. She is one of the female anime characters with white hair having a boyish look. Her short white pixie hair goes well with her purple eyes. She lost her right sight in a battle and wore an eyepatch to cover the hole. Her right arm is made of metal. She is mainly seen wearing a black suit which shows her cleavage slightly. Â
Black Hanekawa
In the Bakemonogatari anime series, whenever Tsubasa Hanekawa’s body is manifested by the oddity known as Sawarineko, she becomes Black Hanekawa. This alternative identity has precisely the opposite nature in comparison to Tsubasa. Unlike Tsubasa’s introverted personality, Black Hanekawa is extroverted and shameless and has a sharp tongue which she uses as a weapon. After the transformation, Tsubasa’s hair color changes to white, and her eyes become golden. Cat ears appear, and her complexion also becomes pale. Hanekawa also possesses a curvy body and huge breasts instead of so many changes, just like Tsubasa. This alter-ego of Tsubasa puts on a significantly less amount of clothes and is seen chiefly wearing Tsubasa’s undergarments which she has worn before the transformation.Â
Her mother disowned Eri at an early age when she made her father disappear with her Quirk. She then rescued, and since then, Eri started living in the U.A. dormitories. She fulfills a pivotal role in making the Quirk-Destroying Drug. Once she took her to his current living place, she started wearing a white shirt with a red-colored pinafore having golden buttons. Under that, she wears grey tights and tan-colored boots. She has off-white hair, which she keeps in the middle-parted position. Her eyes are wide and bright red. A horn is visible on the forehead’s right side, which grows in size when she performs her Quirk abilities.Â
Noelle Silva
Noelle Silva comes from the royal family of House Silva in the Clover Kingdom. She is also a part of Black bull and Royal Knight squads as a 3rd Class Junior Magic Knight. Noelle is only 15 years old and has a slender physique. She usually ties her long silvery-white hair in pigtails. As a core part of the Black Bull squad, Noella wears a black robe with golden borders and gold buttons. She usually is seen wearing a short purple dress, and on top of that, she wears a silver blazer with golden cuffs. Under that, she wears leg warmers which are silver in color, along with a pair of sandals.Â
Yukichi Fukuzawa
Yukichi holds the president’s post in the Armed Detective Agency. He is one of the most severe anime characters with white hair and always keeps a stern look on his face. His white hair reaches up to his shoulder. Yukichi’s eyes are metallic blue. As the organization’s president, she wears green colored Yukata over a Kimono style jacket called Haori, which has golden borders. To cover his feet, he puts on flat sandals, zori, and a pair of tabi.Â
Sui is a part of a group called Sunset Ravens. The soul of her dead brother, Souta, is also there inside her body. Either her soul or her brother’s control of her body, depending on the situation. Sui is a reserved, sweet girl who doesn’t want to kill anyone, and on the other hand, Souta is regressive, outspoken, and never hesitate to kill anyone. Her hair is white, and her glowy eyes indigo-colored irises. She often wears a white hooded coat. On the top of the hood, cat ears can be spotted. Under that coat, she also wears black tights.Â
In the anime series called ‘No Game No Life,’ Shiro is the stepsister of sora. They became step-siblings when Shiro’s mother married Sora’s Dad. She is almost emotionless and an excellent chess player. She can speak 18 languages and plays chess well. She looks cute due to her long white hair, which has several colored tints. Her skin is pale, and she possesses a slim body. Her most preferred costume is an oversized sailor costume which is purple, and along with that, she wears stockings that reach up to her thighs.Â
Nate River
Nate River became famous by his nickname, Near. Though Near is brilliant, he often gets criticized due to his childish behavior. He can hold his cool and calm attitude even in extremely tense situations. He is one of the successors of L. As an orphan, he spent his childhood and teenage years in England’s Watari’s orphanage. Near has a fair skin tone and a well-built body. He loves to play with his blonde white hair. Usually, he dresses in all white. His eyes are also grey.Â
Decim is one of the most mysterious anime characters with white hair. He is earnest about his job. His face does not display any emotion. Design works as a bartender to hide his identity as the acting judge. He instructs a game which is played by the people who died at the same time. He is a tall and slim guy with having pale skin tone. Decim keeps his white hair messy, which almost covers his blue eyes. As a bartender, he wears a white full sleeve shirt and a black waistcoat with a red bow tie. Under that, he is usually seen wearing black pants and black shoes.Â
Index Librorum
Index Librorum Prohibitorum, most popularly known as Index, is the main female protagonist of the Magic Side in the anime series ‘Toaru Majutsu no Index. Index’s memory acts like a vessel to store 103000 grimoires. At present, she is suffering from temporal memory loss. She is short but, unlike other women, has a flat chest. Her silver-white hair reaches up to his thighs, and her pupils appear to be greenish. She mostly wears a nun’s costume with golden highlights. The index takes the help of a crutch to walk.Â
Ja’far is the most trusted man of Sinbad. He currently serves as the chief of Sindria Trading Company, but previously he worked as one of the eight generals of the kingdom ruled by Sinbad. He stops Sinbad from doing anything wrong, but once he is provoked, the world sees a whole different side of him. Ja’far has average height, and her pale skin almost gets covered by the long drape he wears. On top of his head, he wears an Arabian keffiyeh. White hairs of Ja’far can be easily visible from under the keffiyeh. He always carries his household vessel, Bararaq Sai, with him.Â
Misha Necron
Misha Necron possesses the skills by using which she can control all the demonic powers in the world. She is a part of the Seven Elder Demon Emperors, where she worked with her twin sister, Sasha. Misha is young and beautiful. She sports a short white hairstyle, and her hair bangs hang in front of her face. Misha’s eyes are more significant than average, and they are blue. Her cheeks always remain pink. She wears the usual Demon King Academy uniform. Along with that, she wears a Hexagram badge, grey socks, and white shoes.
Aru Akise
Aru is one of the most ambitious anime characters with white hair who dreams of becoming a detective when he grows older. His closest companion is Yukiteru Amano. He has all the abilities to become a detective. He can easily make friends. Aru has white hair and small eyes with reddish-pink irises. His most preferable outfit is a blue jacket over a white shirt. He wears grey pants and black shoes under that. A black tie is also part of his outfit.Â
Neferpitou works as a Royal Guard for the Chimera Ant King. It is a chimaera Ant that is a cat-humanoid. The gender of Neferpitou is yet to be mentioned in the anime series. As a royal guard, she is loyal to the king, but she hates the queen. It has wavy hair on top of the head, which is white. Cat ears are visible on the head, and a tail also comes out of the body. Neferpitou usually wears a blue overcoat with shorts and long orange socks having black stripes. A pair of blue shoes are also a part of the outfit.Â
Byakuya Ishigami
Byakuya Ishigami has adopted Senku Ishigami. He is a caring father and loves his son very much. He worked as an astronaut and was a part of the International Space Station when Earth suffered from mass petrification. Both his hair and beard are white. Just like Senku, his eyes are also brown. Most of the time, he is seen wearing a white astronaut suit with blue borders.Â
Ken Kaneki
Ken Kaneki is a one-eyed ghoul. Rize Kamishiro transformed him into a one-eyed ghoul. Before that, he lived everyday life with his wife Touka Kirishima and daughter Ichika Kaneki. Ken is a fair and tall guy. He usually wears a casual outfit that consists of a hoodie which is turquoise in color, black pants, and running shoes. After becoming a ghoul, he started wearing a mask with an eye patch. On the facade, gnashing teeth are drawn, and near the neck, bolts are designed.Â
Komugi is one of the oldest anime characters with white hair. At present, she is dead. When Komugi was alive, she played the Gungi game effortlessly, and she also became the world champion in the game. She had messy white hair, and she tied the hair in two separate ponytails. Usually, Komugi kept her eyes closed unless and until he was playing the game of Gungi. She had worn a white full sleeve shirt, and over that, she used to wear a pink tunic. As she was old, she used to carry a walking stick.Â
Shoto Todoroki
Shoto Todoroki, who is the son of Endeavour, studies in the U.A. High School. He is under training to become a Pro Hero. At present, he is the number 1 hero in the series named tritagonist. He is a good-looking young man with a well-built physique. The right side of his hair is crimson red, and white hair can be spotted on the left side of the head. His eyes are also different in color; the right eye is brown, while the left eye’s iris is turquoise. He usually wears his school uniform. His hero costume is entirely white.Â
Garou trained himself under Bang. He finds monsters very fascinating, and that’s why he is called the ‘Human Monster.’ But he claims that he is a ‘Hero Hunter.’ He has a muscular body, and the silvery-white hair remains spiked in the upward direction. He is young and sharp. Mostly he wears clothes in which he feels comfortable. Usually, he is seen wearing a black full sleeve shirt and white pants that martial artists wear. He ties a yellow sash around the waist. His feet remain covered by tai chi slippers.
Shogo Makishima
Shogo has only one goal in his life: to set the society of Japan and its people free from the Sibyl System. He can control people’s minds. He does not hesitate to kill anyone who comes in his way of liberating society. Shogo is a middle-aged slender looking guy with average height. He held his long white hair in a ponytail. He is a trained fighter and very agile. There are several outfits that he has worn throughout the anime series ‘Psycho-Pass.’
Emilia falls in the category of the most intimidating anime characters with white hair. She belongs to the half-elf and half-human category and desires to become the king of the Royal Section of the Dragon Kingdom of Legnica. She is highly energetic and doesn’t depend on others for anything. Emilia looks like she is in her teen years, but her actual age is still unknown. She mostly wears an outfit which is white and purple. Her hair is long and white. Her glowy purple eyes make him look more intimidating.Â
Elizabeth Liones
Elizabeth is believed to be the reincarnation of Goddess Elizabeth. The name of her lover is Meliodas. The king of the Kingdom of Liones, Bartra Liones, has adopted her, and thus she became the princess of the kingdom. She captained the squad called Seven Deadly Sins. She is gentle and takes a peaceful approach even during the war. Elizabeth has a beautiful, curvy body and has a big bust. Her skin is pale in color. Her long white hair, which reaches her waist, almost covered her right eye. At present, she wears a blue backless shirt with a white necktie. Along with that, she wears a white mini skirt and black heels.
Juuzou Suzuya
Juuzou Suzuya works as a ghoul investigator. He currently leads the Suzuya Squad. He is considered emotionless. This young man has a pale skin tone and white hair which reaches up to his shoulder. He keeps his hair in position by using a red hairpin. Juuzou’s irises are red. He wears a white suit with polka-dotted red-colored suspenders. Along with that, he prefers to wear black pants and red slippers.Â
Norman is one of the most intelligent anime characters with white hair. He works with Ray as a deuteragonist. His intelligence is unmatched, and Norman is considered a math prodigy. He lives in the Grace Field and lives in an orphanage. Norman keeps his short white hair parted to the left side. He has thick eyebrows over his blue eyes. In the Grace Field House, 22194, the Hsi identification number can be spotted as a tattoo on the left side of the neck. Norman usually wears a white shirt and trousers with shoes.Â
Nao Tomori
Nao Tomori holds the position of president in the Hoshinoumi Academy’s Student Council. She is a first-year student. Often Nao records her abilities in a camcorder. She is extremely hardworking. This young lady loves to spend time with children. She has blonde medium-length white hair, and she usually ties the hair in two tails. Nao is mainly seen wearing the school uniform, consisting of a maroon skirt, white shirt, and a red blazer. Along with that, she wears knee-length socks with brown-colored shoes.Â
Killua Zoldyck
Killua is a part of the Zoldyck family, and his parents are Silva and Kikyo Zoldyck. He ran away from his family and became a rookie hunter. His head is full of naughty ideas, and he possesses a sharp mind. He looks young and usually wears baggy clothes. He feels most comfortable wearing a turtleneck and shorts that reach up to his knee. On top of his head, he has long, messy, and spiky white hair.Â
Kakashi Hatake
Khaki is one of the very few ninja anime characters with white hair that exist in the world of anime. Kashiki considers teamwork as the key to success in any mission. Once the Fourth Shinobi World War concluded, she became the Sixth Hokage of Konoha. He looks exactly like his father, and other characters often mistake him for his father. Kashaki wears a mask that covers most of his face, and only his dark grey eyes and white hair can be visible. He mostly wears a flak jacket over a long sleeve shirt, and under that, he puts on dark blue pants. Other than that, he has been seen wearing several different outfits.Â
While designing the anime characters with white hair, the creators put all their efforts into making them popular. Several characters from the world of anime have inspired many individuals through the years since its inception. All the characters in this list are unique in their way. Here we have tried to sum up their most notable characteristics, making these male or female anime characters unique. You will enjoy drawing any one of these anime characters. So what are you waiting for? Take your colors and brushes out and create a lively anime character on paper.
Q: What are some popular white-haired anime characters?
A: Some popular white-haired anime characters include Gojo Satoru from “Jujutsu Kaisen,” Hitsugaya from “Bleach,” and Gintoki from “Gintama.” These characters are often recognized as iconic figures in the anime world.
Q: What are the traits of iconic white-haired anime characters?
A: Iconic white-haired anime characters often possess unique abilities, striking personalities, and are frequently depicted as either main protagonists or compelling antagonists in their respective series.
Q: How does the character design of white-haired anime characters differ from others?
A: White-haired anime characters are often designed to stand out, with their silver or grey hair symbolizing uniqueness, strength, or a connection to supernatural elements, making them memorable for anime fans.
Q: Are there any female characters among the best white-haired anime characters?
A: Yes, there are several notable female characters with white hair, such as Kanade from “Angel Beats!” and Erza Scarlet from “Fairy Tail,” who are recognized as some of the best anime girls in their respective series.
Q: What makes the white-haired antagonist characters intriguing in anime?
A: White-haired antagonists often have complex backstories and motivations, making them compelling figures within their narratives, as seen with characters like Gintoki from “Gintama” and various foes in “Black Clover.”