Thinking of some cool, fun, and quirky ways to eradicate boredom? Let’s talk of options like gardening, baking, or learning any new art form. Too far-fetched? Then it’s better to start with something closer, or realistic to continue. How about drawing? Throwback to the times when scribbling something on the back of the book was a regular feat to escape the classroom’s boredom. So, why not retrieve back the habit? Besides, even if you are a novice, we have a list of things to draw for beginners.
Excited about the new venture? Well, it’s the same for us also. For that, you need to put on your thinking cap, grab your share of essentials like paints, brushes, palettes, and base, and get on the plunge. Need ideas? Get glued to the list below. Imperfection is the basic step from where you start learning. So, without worrying an inch start with the easy ones, and don’t forget to frame your paintings.
Cool Things To Draw For Beginners When Bored
The City Skyline
Do we need to explain this? As kids, this was the primary thing that we loved to draw without much hassle. As we all know, that the city starts relieving its moments at night, this becomes an easy drawing to reflect the proper kinetic energy of an urban dwelling in the evening. Besides, this drawing is the simplest variant where you can make the city skyline visible with proper visual identification. You can have the liberty of deciding the drawing steps, so the city skyline would have your desired level of detail.
Mandala Art
Compared to the previous art feature, the creation of Mandala art might be a tad bit difficult for beginners. However, this one recently made a huge comeback, where people have been inclined towards this Mandala art for a list of reasons. A mandala is quite a complex abstract design that’s usually found in circular form. Besides ‘mandala’ is a Sanskrit word that means ‘circle’. So, as the name suggests, this form of art is a circular one that takes up quite a considerable part of the base. Also, when filled with all the colors, looks intricately beautiful.
This is one of the primary names while discussing things to draw for beginners. Again, a good way of reviving back the childhood, the dandelions are the kind of flowers that needs a step-by-step procedure to draw. Start with a small central circle, from where extends two lines which work as the stems. Then draw a bigger circle keeping the center circle as the base. Draw the lines based on that, that would act as the roots, and the designs. When done with all, erase the bigger circle. Finally, bold the entire drawing with a permanent black marker.
Smokey/Sexy Eyes
Though they might look easy, the eyes are the most difficult ones to draw. Start with the edges, and make them straight, and sharp. Next, don’t round the corners. To make your character look stern, yet sober make the lines look straight yet loose. Have a quick shading, and outline well with a black marker, and then you are done. You can also compare yours with the archetypes. It’s all about creating a bold look that would enhance the entire creation. So, whom did you consider while creating this?
Yes, this was indeed funny. Drawing a robot is almost like learning the shapes in a pre-primary class. However, it’s the easiest as it seems. Start with an oval attached to a tiny rectangle that would form the face and the neck. The feet are circular and cut in halves. Again, on the head place a small antenna for the robot that would include a thin rectangle and a small circle. For the rest of the body parts, like hands, arms, eyes, or nose, place either small circles, curved lines, or small oval shapes.
Winnie The Pooh
Didn’t we all find him cute while we were young? I mean, I still found him cute. While thinking hard on placing names in the list of things to draw for the beginners, how could we not mention him? Start by placing two circles that would occupy almost the entire sheet. That would form his head and body. Then draw two ovals for his paws. Check the contours again, and make sure you have removed all the extra lines. Also, you didn’t forget his pitcher full of honey, right? So, draw him well.
A dragon is easy to draw. Start with a corner on the paper and draw a ‘V’. Then add the crocodile looking jaws, and draw the entire body with the perfect curves. Yes, then you have the legs, and the claws to add. Look at the finer details while drawing the teeth, eyes, belly, and other intricate details. Then in the last, you have to draw the spikes on the back, and of course the fire and clouds for the background scenery. In the end, trace and color the entire drawing with crayons.
Again, the instance where we can laugh a bit. But, drawing a cute cow is always cute. Start with an oval shape, and place another oval shape on the sides. That was the body and the shape. Now, take two curves and draw the tail. Place circles as and when necessary for the eyes, polka-dots in the body. Of course, small lines folded as curves take the shape of the legs. When done with the entire thing, place the colors as and when necessary. Here you have your cute cow on the sheet.
Cartoon Penguin
This one involves more shapes when compared to the rest of the things to draw for beginners. Start with two tiny ovals as the eyes, and place underneath two curved lines joined at a point, shaped like the lips. Now, place a half-circle above to mark the head. To the right of the face, draw a curved, vertical line for the penguin’s cheek. Now, connect the cheek to the mark placed at the top to form the front part of the head, and also add the other side by making a similar mark. The head should be dome-shaped. After this, draw a half-circle below for the body. Paint it well, and flaunt it.
The Sunflowers look immensely beautiful when donned well. So, that states that you need to draw a big center circle, and based on that make a rough circle that’s bigger, to draw the petals in shape. Start with the petals, that’s almost curved in the best way. The petals come in shape one after another, and yes you are good in that way. Then comes the stem, which goes straight down from under the petals. Make it thick, let the shoots, and leaves branch out from it. Color it well, and make it artistic.
Bart Simpson
We all know this famous young boy with yellow-spiked hair, bright eyes. So, getting him reflected on the paper won’t take much hassle, what say? Start with the spikes and the elongated face. Then let the lines meet at an end to finish the face. Fill in all the necessary shapes for the arms, legs, and shorts. Also, to enhance the drawing, you can add a skateboard. Are you all done with the drawing? Now, color it well, and frame it on the wall.
3D Sphere
This one’s comparatively new in the list of the things to draw for beginners. This is like an optical illusion 3D drawing. Start by drawing a circle on the center of the page, and draw horizontal lines of equal shape all around. Now, draw curved lines across this circle to connect through the horizontal lines. It seems as if we are looking up at the sphere, so the space between each curve should be small at the top, which would gradually get larger towards the end. Ink it well with a black marker, and make the circle a bit darker.
Pseudo-Sugar Skull
Creepy, and a bit scary, the pseudo-sugar skull might be easy to create for some. Start by tracing the outline of the skull. Then start making small lines all over. Of course, you need to shade this well. Then create two small perfect circles that would make the eye-sockets. Then you need to draw the kidney-bean shaped nose. Finally, draw a curve that would make the teeth. All of it should be placed perfectly, and in proper shape to suit the face. Isn’t this the best way to scare someone?
These are the colorful creatures that are everyone’s favorite. First, draw a straight line, and then make sure that there’s enough space to spread the wings. Of course, you can’t forget the thorax and the three pairs of legs. All the wings should be oval-shaped, overlapping each other. To make it easier, divide the abdomen into segments, and then make the entire thing colorful. Here’s your bright creation, all ready for display.
If you are seeking something that’s got only lines from the list of the things to draw for beginners, here is the one you need. Take a basic measurement of the paper, and place the flower-buds, and the stalks. Make a mark on the place where the two smaller petals of the flower-buds are joined, and also mark the stalks the same way. Draw the petals, the leaves, and create the contours well. Remove the extra line, and here your tulips are ready.
Feathers are light to carry and easy to draw. For this, draw a tilted line, and make it bold. Draw the curves from both sides of the line, and make them spacious enough to shade well. Then, with all your ability start shading. Make the tips pointed, and your feather a remarkable specimen. Did we miss out on anything else?
Panda looks cute, and are round-shaped, which makes them easier to draw. Start with an oval shape that would form the face. On that, draw two more circles for the eyes. Of course, there are the ears that are curved and placed outside the face. Don’t miss out on the cute nose to complete the face.
Time to feel majestic people. The list of things to draw for the beginners would now host the queen. Here, start with a half-circle, filled with cloudy hair. Now, two curves go down and join at the point to form the neck. Again, from two curves to join for the arms. That would also form the dress. Lastly, draw the legs, put a crown at the top, and get your queen ready.
Cute is the word that we all thought while describing this being. It’s almost similar to drawing a panda. Just make sure you add a bell to the neck while the head and eyes are done with. Other than that, the cute round head, the innocent, and cute eyes, and the lines curved as paws, are almost the same. However, the best part remains in coloring the cutie. Color it well, and enhance the charming status.
Honestly, more than the drawings, the coloring part would be more interesting. The combo of blue, and yellow with an eye placed in the center have fascinated almost everyone. What matters is how do you do the game of shapes including lines and circles to get it done well. Of course, don’t forget to remove the extra lines.
Now, we are done with the list of things to draw for beginners. Did all of the above seem easy? Moreover, which one you think would you start first? Whatever you start next, don’t forget to share the picture. Also, you are welcome. Paintings are good as a hobby and awesome as a stress-buster. It seems like the colors that we fill in, or the wide sceneries that we draw are a major part of our imaginations being unfolded on the paper. Did you feel the same while drawing too? Then, you are spot-on. Draw with ease, and grace, and flaunt with happiness.
Q: What are some easy drawing ideas for beginners?
A: Beginners can start with simple shapes, doodles, or cute things to draw like a pumpkin or cactus. These simple drawing ideas are perfect for improving your drawing skills.
Q: What should I include in my sketchbook?
A: Your sketchbook can include a variety of drawing ideas for beginners, such as doodles, cute drawings, and simple things like a hot air balloon or a cute ghost drawing.
Q: Is there a way to improve my drawing skills quickly?
A: Yes, practicing simple things and fun to draw items, like doodling and experimenting with different drawing techniques, can help improve your skills rapidly.
Q: What are some fun things to draw when I’m bored?
A: When you’re bored, consider drawing cute things like animals, flowers, or even simple shapes. These easy drawing ideas can make for a fun and relaxing time.
Q: What materials do I need for drawing as a beginner?
A: As a beginner, all you need is a good pencil and a sketchbook to start practicing your drawing skills. You can also use colored pencils to add fun to your sketches.